October 19, 2022
Hannah Kiboro joined the IDC Digital Outlaw team as a remote virtual assistant from BA Enterprises, which sources marketing talent from developing countries and underserved nations. Hannah is always willing to help tackle a challenging project, has a smile and positive attitude, and is the gatekeeper of our organizational functions. Ingram Digital Consulting is proud to work with BA Enterprises, and we’re not sure what we would do without Hannah handling tough tasks on a daily basis. She’s used her work experience to IDC’s benefit and learned our processes quickly. Read her Digital Outlaw Q&A to learn more about why she is such a valued partner on our core team:
I started working as a virtual assistant during the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic after lockdown and curfews were placed. At first, I was looking for something to keep me busy during my free time as I continued staying at home, prompting me to start training as a virtual assistant. Besides making extra money, taking up the side hustle meant I could gain new skills. This is something I had constantly wished for but juggling between a full-time job and personal life left me with little or no time to spare. Two months later, virtual assistance became my full-time job as I resigned from the previous one.
Working with IDC has exposed me to many new opportunities where I explore multiple skills. My favorite style of work is research, followed closely by blog transfer. Researching various topics and projects gives me a chance to learn more about the context in question. Having a vast pool of knowledge is enjoyable and satisfying. Regarding blog transfer, I get to read many social articles which are helpful in my daily life, something I would probably bypass if it wasn't for the job.
Yes. I believe that information is power. The information I learn managing the social handles for my football enthusiast client and researching various topics enables me to solve certain issues in my life and help those around me. For instance, I am a volunteer sports consultant for a local youth soccer team in my community. My interests and knowledge in this context grew as part of my job and now I can help others reach their full potential.
After handling several projects for IDC and other clients, the most outstanding project for me is being part of a charitable program aimed at giving back to the community. One of my clients, a former pro in football, runs a company that designs and sells training materials.
This year, in May, I received a task requiring me to locate and nurture needy organizations in the community which would benefit from the company's program. My job involved email marketing, lead generation, and lead nurturing, expected to yield tangible results by the end of June. Within the two months of planning and executing strategies, we partnered with three organizations and got 159 training decks which were 59 more than our original target.
I have participated in various projects with this client, but this program stood out for me. It was a great feeling to see the needy athletic community in Jamaica getting their wishes fulfilled.
My favorite social media channel is LinkedIn. Besides being a great platform to connect with clients, it offers a chance to network and develop professional relations with like-minded individuals or organizations. I also like Instagram for its engaging content, creativity, and entertainment. After sharing or reading professional posts on LinkedIn, I often log into Instagram and share my hiking experiences freely.
I joined Ingram Digital Consulting to gain more skills and experience in digital marketing. It is an amazing agency that continues to nurture my potential, helping me explore digital marketing consultancy at a close range.
I enjoy interacting with other members like Megan, who is passionate and generous with her knowledge. IDC has made me more experienced, skilled, and knowledgeable. I am looking forward to more learning, fun, and meaningful interactions.
Become an Ingram Digital Outlaw and apply here.
October 19, 2022