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Coffee Sesh With Megan: 5 Ways to Pursue Passion Freelance Projects


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3 min

freelance life

Are the creative juices flowing but unsure what happens next?

Take more action. Create your own rules. Often, we wait for others to give approval instead of figuring out a solution and showing how we can create a new idea for ourselves. One of the best parts of being a freelancer (in my opinion) is the flexibility to pursue bigger, better freelance projects that we choose and NOT what is simply handed to us by someone else. Entrepreneurship (and marketing) is about finding and communicating solutions to problems.

Follow these 5 tried-and-true steps to become a freelancer of action and create a stream of revenue pursuing the projects you love:

1. Find data and research that shows what problem you’re solving

A great way to sell someone on an idea or pitch is to show with data proof why this is a pain point. In order to get buy-in and actually sell the right people on your idea, you’ll need to show the problem your solution will solve. Get Googling. There are many free websites you can use without getting paid resources for meaningful data points that will get the audience’s attention. This will help position your solution with data, quotes, and evidence that will make your audience consider why your solution is a need.

Entrepreneurship (and marketing) is about finding and communicating solutions to problems. Well, how can you do this?

2. Strategize how to best pitch your idea

Start flexing those strategic muscles. Strategy isn’t just for creating brilliant marketing plans. Apply those same skills to your business. Once you’ve compiled the research and data, you need to figure out the best way to pitch your idea and who you should approach first. You may not always have a pathway into the CMO of the brand. But you may know a digital marketing manager who would be willing to listen. Determine the people who you think would be willing to help and learn as much about them as you can. This includes structuring your presentation deck and pitch in a way that will convert them into an ambassador who would go to bat for you. Often, these are the best people to get on your side and will make the pitch on your behalf.

3. Ask to set a meeting with key stakeholders who will be your ambassadors

Identify a group of individuals/ key stakeholders and find the best communication path to either set up a meeting or at least make your pitch. We have so many different technology and media options - social media vs. email vs. phone. Yes, I know old-fashioned but the phone still works. Determine which channel they will be most receptive to and draft your message. The goal is to get time to meet virtually (or in-person). Think about these conversations less like a pitch and more like an opportunity to get to know you better. It’s about building conversations and relationships. It may take a few meetings to get them on board but look at each meeting as an opportunity to get to know each other better and for you to educate and learn.

4. Present your solution in a visually appealing way

Visualizations are a great way to translate all the data and research you acquired into a compelling visual story. Data literacy is very important. Without creating a powerful way to show what the data means and why they should care, you’ll find a pitch will fall flat and may not have the desired effect you are hoping for. Think carefully about the narrative and story of your pitch. This can have a huge impact on convincing stakeholders of your solution or idea. Read here for some cool data visualizations that have helped tell stories.

5. Follow-up your meeting with the next steps and a path forward

Don’t forget to follow through. You got the meeting and it was well-received. Now what? Don’t forget to follow up and deliver what you said you will. Be persistent and provide resources that will make your case. Stakeholders will be impressed with your initiative and again, more likely to make your case on your behalf.

We are most productive and happiest when we are working on freelance projects that get us excited and motivated. You absolutely can do the type of work you want. Show initiative and action using the many resources you have at your disposal - sometimes all it takes is to convince one person. Be consistent. Don’t give up.

Follow me on social for more digital motivation, tips, and productivity hacks.

freelance life
Megan Ingram

March 12, 2021